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Article LA Times (03.01.2011)

As it becomes more common for teenagers to realize — and then tell others — that they are gay or lesbian, there is also a growing number of teen characters on TV programs geared toward teens going through the same thing. The CW's "90210," which returns on Jan. 24, joins the ranks of shows like "Glee," "Gossip Girl," "Pretty Little Liars," "Hellcats," "Greek" and the new MTV series "Skins" in showcasing young, gay roles.


This phenomenon can be seen in "Degrassi," the Canadian teen drama whose current version is in its 10th season and airs on TeenNick in the U.S. The show has existed in various iterations and over the years has moved from having a main character with an older gay brother to covering two male coming-out story lines, a lesbian and a questioning character. It currently features a transgender teen figure named Adam, played by actress Jordan Todosey.

Teen coming-out stories seem especially relevant, after reports of physical and cyber bullying reached a boiling point last year with a number of gay teen suicides. "Hellcats," a new CW series about college cheerleading, tweaked a plot line this season after it ended up too closely mirroring the events that reportedly led to the death of Rutgers student Tyler Clementi. Shows like "Glee" and "Degrassi" have presented intense story lines about bullying, while "Pretty Little Liars" and "Gossip Girl" — both based on young adult novels in which every character has something salacious jangling in his or her closet — have included "I know your secret" cyber threats.


Veering away from stereotypes, several of these shows boast LGBT jocks — along with "Liars'" Emily, there's "90210's" Teddy and "Degrassi's" Riley. Said "Degrassi" co-creator Linda Schuyler, "That whole jock mentality in the locker room — the male bonding — that's a really tough environment for a gay guy."

Although homosexual characters continue to proliferate, one of the biggest hurdles on shows geared toward adults is showing them kissing on screen as their heterosexual counterparts would. Teen shows don't seem to have the same problem. Gay TV youths have been kissing since the days of "Dawson's Creek" and " Buffy" — and King estimated that on "Pretty Little Liars," Emily has kissed more people on the show (including love interest Maya) than any other pretty little liar. "Gossip Girl," "90210," "Degrassi," "Skins," and "Greek" haven't shied away from the subject either.


Ecrit par brucas59 



Ecrit par brucas59 
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